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Each board member is an ICD patient and/or family member. The board is presently comprised of the following volunteers.

 Larry Sherman

I received my first ICD in July 2003 as a result of significant damage to my heart muscle suffered in a heart attack several months prior.  My second implant took place in December 2010.  To this point I have not had a major shock but I always say “If I need one – bring it on”.  For the most part my lifestyle today is very similar to what it was pre implant.  While I don’t give a lot of thought to the device on a day to day basis  I am definitely comforted in knowing that it is constantly monitoring my heart rhythm and is ready to do its job should the need arise.   I am retired from Royal Bank after almost 34 years in branch, regional and national office operational roles.

Greg Smith 

At the age of 45 I was rushed into the hospital with heart problems.  After a battery of tests, the conclusion was blocked arteries.  Within two weeks I had quintuple bypass surgery. It was subsequently discovered that not only did I have an irregular heartbeat but it would also race for no apparent reason.  Nine months after bypass surgery I was back on the table having an ICD implanted.  Within eight months I had three inappropriate shocks.  The ICD programming was altered and my meds were changed each and every time.  Since then I have been shock free.  Our support group has personally helped me out.  I know I am not alone.  We are now an extended family connected through our ICD’s.  I have met some wonderful people through this group.  This is your life, live each and every day and enjoy!

Harry Deol

Diagnosed in 2013 with Hypertrophic Obstructive Cardiomyopathy, I received my ICD in 2014 at the age of 22. The ICD serves as a security blanket as I am at high risk for a heart attack.  In 2016, as my health declined, I underwent open heart surgery to help alleviate the symptoms I was experiencing due to my heart disease. I have not received a shock but my ICD provides me with comfort, should I require a shock.

I grew up playing sports and although I am no longer actively involved in organized sports, I still participate in non-vigorous activities, which allow me to stay involved, albeit at a reduced level. Trying to balance remaining active without jeopardizing my health and/or damaging the leads to my ICD has been challenging, but with the support of family, friends and enrolling in a cardiac rehab program, I have been able to find that balance.
Aside from staying active, I currently work at the Health Sciences Centre and I am a student in the Occupational Therapy program at the University of Manitoba. Receiving my ICD at 22 years of age, I found it challenging to relate with others as I was one of the younger patients with an ICD. I hope to interact with other individuals who have an ICD including younger patients.